Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What in the world is happening here??

So, technology--a great thing right? Yes yes, but has it lead us into a world of less communication and personal interaction?? I think so. Not that I don't participate in all these but--MySpace, FaceBook, Blogger... Now there is absolutely no need to call someone or e-mail even to find out what is going on in their lives. I mean I know its more convenient and saves some time, but can we not take a little time out of our days to catch up with good friends?? Which brings me to the next subject--TEXTING. A glorious invention, maybe. Again, convenient when you simply want to get a small piece of information to a plethora of people. Or if you are in class or work and simply can't talk aloud. OR, if you are a little nervous about talking aloud to that new someone you met on Friday... Its definitely an ice-breaker because lets face it--everyone is a little more bold(whether flirtatious or confrontational) when you don't have to say what you want out loud. For some reason, its just a little harder to open your mouth rather than exercise your thumbs.
And what about when you text someone and they don't respond?? Don't you just feel stupid? And then wonder (because it HAS happened before) if the other side just didn't receive your text? Well... its not like your going to send it again, just incase. So then your left boggled and confused...worried, maybe sad... so many emotions just from one little text. IF you had this conversation over the phone instead--all of that would be avoided!

Well I guess I find myself a little fed up. In reflecting on the text and wall posting conversations that I have had--I just can't believe I let myself get comfortable with conversing, flirting, or confronting people in the least-personable way possible. In some cases, a chill conversation or joking in writing can come across wrong because the other person cannot hear the tone in your voice. Mine usually suggests "I’m obviously kidding". And sometimes I want to get across that "you are really upsetting me", but the other just might not take it serious. It’s all in the tone.

The reason for this vent of frustration is that I find my happiness dwindling, and when really REALLY thinking about why—I find that one of the biggest reasons is because I have lost touch with people I care a lot about. I mean, I keep in touch a little here and there through these 'techno' sources in which I have discussed. But does that really count? It sure doesn't feel like it. I don't have as much friendly interaction in person. People need this interaction--it makes you feel good--and that is not just my opinion. It’s scientifically proven, this personal interaction--having a good laugh, an enlightening conversation, even just exchanging smiles--releases endorphins. THE HAPPY HORMONE! Well technically they're "neurotransmitters produced in the brain that reduce pain", same dif. :D

So, when I receive a text-message from one of my best friends exclaiming that she had her baby with the essential details, I feel a little sad. I know that there are probably a lot of people that deserve the information but not quite via a personal phone call. But have I really fallen into this category of "people to text" rather than "people to call"?? From one of my best friends??? Or have people just gotten so used to the convenience of text that calling is no longer considered? Either way, it definitely didn't feel good to receive such big exiting news through a miniscule emotionless screen.
This, combined with a small tiff with a friend who won’t see me in person to talk because the only form of confrontational communication she feels comfortable with is text?? WHaT The FrEAK. It’s killing me. So, I don’t know if there is much I can do about it—-but I can at least vent and share my thoughts...which I am oh-so hypocritically doing via Blogger. Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Go ahead... have a laugh at my expense!

Alright... I hate to admit this but it is a pretty funny story. There are a lot of crazy phrases that manage to make their way out of people's mouths at work--but I may have just topped the WORST list. A lot of people slip up and say something in which someone could blurt out "that’s what she said!" which always results in a room full of chuckle. But me?? I had people rolling, in a totally different category. So here goes...

Sarah: So you guys, I have a dream (interrupted by Erin)

Erin: OH no, you had a dream??
Rachel: Another one??

**side note, I have a few crazy dreams that I share with them--crazy enough I used to have a blog dedicated to them**

Sarah: NO no, I HAVE a dream..... like OJ Simpson? Ya know, "I have a dream!" (said quite proudly)

.....A few confused/blank stares later.....

Rachel: You mean Martin Luther King???

Sarah: OH.... right, well you know I wasn't thinking I--I mean I imagined Martin Luther King, Jr. but SAID OJ Simpson... simple mistake right?

Rachel: Yeah really, what’s the difference between a murderer and a human right's activist?

EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE ROOM IS LAUGHING THEIR ACES OFF! At this point, there is nothing I can say to cover myself...what a blonde moment. I felt a litttttle stupid and embarrassed. But seriously, I know the difference between the two. Just a simple slip. I can't lie--I had to laugh off the embarrassment with them, you know change it into the whole "Their laughing with you, not at you" scenario! :)

But really, can you blame me??

Monday, September 8, 2008

Travelers, beware...

So, as great as traveling the world can be (or at least the Mexican borders), I must send a fair warning... You can never predict what will stun your eyes! For instance, while enjoying myself under the rays of a hot, sunny day--I slowly turn from lying on my back to lying on my stomach. In my maneuvering, I happen to lay my eyes on quite a piece of art. Stunning really, so stunning I couldn't help but let my photographic instinct kick in, take over, and snap a few photos. Do I regret that? Not one bit. Now not only do I get to stare at this glorious sight any hour of any day, I now get to share it will all who care to look on.

And if not to make it any better, he actually turned around and posed for me! What a kind gent.