Monday, September 15, 2008

Go ahead... have a laugh at my expense!

Alright... I hate to admit this but it is a pretty funny story. There are a lot of crazy phrases that manage to make their way out of people's mouths at work--but I may have just topped the WORST list. A lot of people slip up and say something in which someone could blurt out "that’s what she said!" which always results in a room full of chuckle. But me?? I had people rolling, in a totally different category. So here goes...

Sarah: So you guys, I have a dream (interrupted by Erin)

Erin: OH no, you had a dream??
Rachel: Another one??

**side note, I have a few crazy dreams that I share with them--crazy enough I used to have a blog dedicated to them**

Sarah: NO no, I HAVE a dream..... like OJ Simpson? Ya know, "I have a dream!" (said quite proudly)

.....A few confused/blank stares later.....

Rachel: You mean Martin Luther King???

Sarah: OH.... right, well you know I wasn't thinking I--I mean I imagined Martin Luther King, Jr. but SAID OJ Simpson... simple mistake right?

Rachel: Yeah really, what’s the difference between a murderer and a human right's activist?

EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE ROOM IS LAUGHING THEIR ACES OFF! At this point, there is nothing I can say to cover myself...what a blonde moment. I felt a litttttle stupid and embarrassed. But seriously, I know the difference between the two. Just a simple slip. I can't lie--I had to laugh off the embarrassment with them, you know change it into the whole "Their laughing with you, not at you" scenario! :)

But really, can you blame me??


Erin said...

You can and should be blamed. :)

Anonymous said...

oh durb... this is bad. and fuNNY!@ sounds like something I would say!

VTS said...

HAHAHAHA!! I'm laughing my ace off!

I need to know the dream now.

The Ostlers said...

DURB... come on now! You can't be making comments like that- it is pretty darn funny thought I must admit :)

me myself and Luna said...

Yeah the whole point I was trying to get to about the vision/dream I could see--I can't even remember it now. I was too thrown off by everyone's cackling. I guess it wasn't that profound of a ‘dream’.

Natalie said...

Wow I can definitely see the resemblance. An easy mistake, I confuse them regularly in everyday conversation.