Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tagged... or not

I was tagged by Laura on this one... Here are the rules. You must post the rules before you give your answers. You must list something about yourself for each letter of your middle name. Each fact must begin with that letter. If you don't have a middle name, just use your maiden name. At the end of your post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and need to read your blog for details).

My middle name is... oh wait, I dont have one! Nor do I have a maiden name since I'm not married--fortunately for me and everyone else who may have been tagged by me! So there ya go~!


Emily and Clay said...

BOO! BOO! You little trixter!

Laura Stephens said...

Well that was easy!! :)